Leadership is a crucial aspect of any organization, and the success or failure of a leader can have a significant impact on the company’s overall performance. While some leaders are able to thrive in their roles and lead their teams to great success, others may falter and ultimately fail in their leadership positions. There are various reasons why leaders fail, and it’s important to understand these factors in order to avoid making the same mistakes.

Here are 21 reasons why leaders fail:

1. Lack of vision: A leader who lacks a clear vision for the organization’s future can struggle to inspire and motivate their team.

2.Ego: A leader’s ego can get in the way of making objective decisions and working collaboratively with others.

3. Poor communication: Effective communication is essential for a leader to convey their vision and goals to their team.

4. Micromanagement: Leaders who micromanage their team members can stifle creativity and hinder productivity.

5.Inability to adapt:In a complex business environment, leaders must be able to adapt to changes and new challenges.

6.Lack of empathy: A leader who lacks empathy for their team members may struggle to build strong relationships and trust within the organization.

7. Failure to delegate: Leaders who fail to delegate tasks effectively can become overwhelmed and hinder their team’s growth and development.

8. Ineffective problem-solving: Leaders who struggle to effectively address and solve problems within the organization can lead to stagnation and missed opportunities.

9. Lack of accountability: A leader who fails to take responsibility for their actions and decisions can erode trust and confidence within the organization.

10. Poor decision-making: Leaders who consistently make poor decisions can undermine the organization’s success and reputation.

11. Resistance to change: Leaders who are resistant to change can hinder the organization’s ability to innovate and evolve.

12.Lack of transparency: Leaders who lack transparency in their communication and decision-making can breed distrust and suspicion within the organization.

13.Burnout: Leaders who fail to manage their own well-being and workload can experience burnout, leading to a decline in their leadership abilities.

14. Neglecting personal development: Leaders who fail to invest in their own personal and professional development can become stagnant and ineffective in their roles.

15. Overconfidence: Leaders who are overly confident in their abilities may fail to seek input and feedback from others, leading to blind spots and mistakes.

16. Inconsistent leadership: Leaders who are inconsistent in their decision-making and behaviour can create confusion and uncertainty within the organization.

17. Lack of emotional intelligence:
Leaders who lack emotional intelligence may struggle to understand and connect with their team members.

18. Lack of strategic thinking: Leaders who fail to think strategically and plan for the future can hinder the organization’s long-term success.

19.Poor time management: Leaders who struggle to manage their time effectively can become overwhelmed and ineffective in their roles.

20. Inability to inspire: Leaders who fail to inspire and motivate their team members can struggle to drive the organization towards success.

21. Lack of ethical leadership: Leaders who fail to demonstrate ethical behaviour and values can undermine the organization’s reputation and integrity.


This exhaustive list can help a leader to reflect upon.  In order to understand one’s on area for development, a leader can take feedback from team members, mentors, supervisors and create a development plan to improve and subsequently grow self, grow people and grow business.