TO SELL IS HUMAN – The Surprising Truth About Moving Others by Daniel Pink


 Daniel Pink is an acclaimed author, speaker, and thought leader in the fields of business, work, and behavioural science. He has written several best-selling books, including “Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us,” “A Whole New Mind: Why Right-Brainers Will Rule the Future,” and “To Sell Is Human: The Surprising Truth About Moving Others.” He was also a host and a co-executive producer of the National Geographic Channel social science TV series “CROWD CONTROL”

To Sell Is Human” by Daniel Pink is a captivating exploration of the art of persuasion in the modern world. Drawing on extensive research and personal anecdotes, Pink presents a fresh perspective on selling, debunking traditional notions and shedding light on the inherent selling skills we all possess.

Pink argues that selling is no longer confined to the realms of salespeople alone. In today’s interconnected world, we are all salespeople, constantly engaged in persuading others to buy into our ideas, products, or even ourselves. With this premise, Pink delves into the psychology behind effective persuasion and offers a range of practical strategies to help readers become more successful persuaders.

One of the book’s key strengths lies in Pink’s ability to present complex ideas in a clear and accessible manner. He weaves together social science research, fascinating anecdotes, and thought-provoking examples to illustrate his points effectively. This approach ensures that even readers who may not have a background in sales or psychology can easily grasp the concepts and apply them to their own lives.

Pink’s exploration of the three key qualities of successful persuaders – attunement, buoyancy, and clarity – is particularly enlightening. He emphasizes the importance of understanding others’ perspectives, maintaining a positive mindset, and crafting clear and concise messages. These qualities, Pink argues, are essential for anyone seeking to influence others and achieve their goals.

 “To Sell Is Human” encourages readers to embrace the art of selling as an essential skill in navigating today’s world. Pink’s engaging writing style and thought-provoking content make this book a valuable resource for individuals across various professions and walks of life.  

In conclusion, “To Sell Is Human” is an insightful exploration of the art of persuasion and its relevance in all aspects of our lives. Daniel Pink’s ability to blend research, storytelling, and practical strategies makes this book an engaging and valuable read.


John C. Maxwell’s The 21 IRREFUTABLE LAWS OF LEADERSHIP is a thought-provoking and insightful book that serves as an indispensable guide for individuals seeking to enhance their leadership skills.


John Calvin Maxwell is a renowned author, speaker, and leadership expert who has made a significant impact on individuals and organizations worldwide.  Maxwell has dedicated his life to helping people develop their leadership skills and reach their full potential.

Throughout his career, Maxwell has served as a mentor and coach to countless individuals, including top executives, entrepreneurs, and public figures. He has delivered keynote speeches and conducted leadership workshops in various countries, sharing his knowledge and insights with audiences from all walks of life.

One of the book’s greatest strengths lies in its ability to blend real-life examples with practical advice, making it accessible to readers from all walks of life. Maxwell’s anecdotes, drawn from his own experiences and those of notable leaders, bring the laws to life and provide readers with relatable scenarios to understand and apply the principles.

Each chapter delves into a specific law, such as the Law of Influence, the Law of Navigation, or the Law of Empowerment, and explores its significance in great depth. Maxwell’s writing style is engaging and easy to follow, allowing readers to absorb the content effortlessly. He breaks down complex concepts into bite-sized pieces, making it easier to grasp and implement the laws into one’s own leadership style.

One of the standout features of this book is the emphasis on personal growth and self-awareness as crucial components of effective leadership. Maxwell encourages readers to reflect on their own strengths and weaknesses, urging them to continuously strive for improvement. By highlighting the importance of self-development, the author provides a refreshing perspective that sets this book apart from others in the genre.

While the book is undoubtedly a valuable resource for aspiring leaders, some readers may find the sheer number of laws overwhelming or repetitive at times. However, Maxwell’s ability to illustrate each law with compelling examples and practical applications ultimately makes up for this minor drawback.

“The 21 Irrefutable LAWS OF LEADERHSIP” is a timeless classic that has stood the test of time. Whether you are a seasoned leader looking to refine your skills or a novice just embarking on your leadership journey, this book offers valuable insights and actionable advice that will undoubtedly propel you towards becoming an effective and influential leader.

In conclusion, John C. Maxwell’s “The 21 IRREFUTABLE LAWS OF LEADERHSIP ” is an essential read for anyone seeking to enhance their leadership capabilities. By combining real-life examples with practical applications, Maxwell provides a roadmap that is both comprehensive and accessible.  


Author: Zig Ziglar
Genre: Self-help, Sales

Zig Ziglar was a renowned American author, motivational speaker, and salesperson.  Ziglar started his professional career as a salesman in various industries, including cookware and sales training. He quickly gained recognition for his exceptional sales techniques and became one of the top performers in his field. His success in sales led him to establish his own company, Zig Ziglar Corporation, which focused on sales training and personal development.

Throughout his career, Ziglar authored numerous books on personal growth, success, and motivation. Some of his most notable works include “See You at the Top,” “Secrets of Closing the Sale,” and “Over the Top.” These books became bestsellers and have had a significant impact on individuals seeking personal and professional improvement.

ZIGLAR ON SELLING- THE ULTIMATE HANDBOOK for the COMPLETE SALES PROFESSIONAL is a classic in the realm of sales literature.  In this book, Zig Ziglar shares his extensive knowledge and experience as a top-notch salesperson, offering invaluable insights and techniques that can help anyone excel in the art of selling.

One of the most captivating aspects of Ziglar’s writing style is his ability to engage the reader from the very beginning. He combines personal anecdotes, real-life examples, and motivational stories to create a narrative that is both informative and inspiring. This makes the book a pleasure to read, even for those who may not have a direct interest in sales.

The book is divided into several sections, each delving into different aspects of the sales process. Ziglar starts by emphasizing the importance of having a positive mindset and a strong belief in one’s abilities. He then moves on to discussing effective communication techniques, highlighting the significance of active listening and understanding the needs of the customers.

What sets Ziglar’s approach apart from other sales books is his focus on building long-term relationships with customers rather than simply making quick sales. He stresses the importance of trust, integrity, and honesty in sales, advocating for ethical practices that prioritize the customer’s needs over personal gain. This refreshing perspective resonates with readers and provides a solid foundation for building a successful sales career.

Throughout the book, Ziglar provides practical tips and strategies that can be implemented immediately. From effective closing techniques to handling objections and overcoming rejection, Ziglar leaves no stone unturned when it comes to equipping salespeople with the tools they need to thrive in a competitive market.

One of the standout features of Ziglar’s writing is his ability to simplify complex concepts. He breaks down the sales process into easily digestible steps, making it accessible to both newcomers and seasoned professionals. His use of relatable anecdotes and memorable quotes also helps reinforce key points, ensuring that readers can easily recall and apply the lessons learned.

Zig Ziglar on Selling is a must-read for anyone looking to enhance their sales skills. Ziglar’s timeless wisdom, combined with his engaging storytelling style, makes this book an invaluable resource for salespeople at any stage of their career. Whether you are a beginner seeking to lay a strong foundation or a seasoned salesperson looking for new perspectives, Ziglar’s insights will undoubtedly inspire and guide you toward success.

In conclusion, Zig Ziglar on Selling is a timeless guide that offers practical advice, motivation, and invaluable insights into the art of salesmanship. Ziglar’s ability to connect with readers on a personal level, combined with his wealth of knowledge, makes this book a true gem for anyone looking to excel in the world of sales.

FLIPNOSIS – The Art of Split-Second Persuasion

“Flipnosis” by Kevin Dutton is a captivating exploration of the art and science of persuasion.    Dutton, a renowned psychologist and researcher, takes readers on a journey through the intricacies of human psychology, revealing the techniques and principles that can be harnessed to influence others.

About Author:   Kevin Dutton

Kevin Dutton is a British psychologist and writer. He has a Ph.D. in Psychology from the University of Cambridge and has held research positions at the University of Oxford and University College London. Dutton specializes in the study of psychopathy, persuasion, and social influence.  He has published numerous scientific papers and has been a featured speaker at conferences and events around the world.

The book delves into the concept of “flipnosis,” a term coined by Dutton to describe the ability to flip people’s thinking or change their behaviour through persuasive techniques. Dutton draws upon his extensive research and real-life experiences to shed light on the power dynamics behind persuasion.

One of the standout features of “Flipnosis” is Dutton’s engaging writing style. He skilfully weaves together scientific research, captivating anecdotes, and personal insights, making complex psychological concepts accessible to readers of all backgrounds. Dutton’s passion for the subject matter shines through in his storytelling, ensuring that the book remains engaging from start to finish.

Dutton explores various aspects of persuasion, including the importance of empathy, the influence of body language, the role of storytelling, and the manipulation of emotions. Each chapter offers a fresh perspective on these topics, providing readers with valuable insights into the psychology of persuasion.

Dutton presents a balanced view of persuasion, acknowledging both its potential for positive change and its darker side. He outlines the ethical implications of using persuasive techniques and emphasizes the importance of responsible persuasion. This nuanced approach adds depth to the book, encouraging readers to reflect on their own beliefs and actions.

While “Flipnosis” offers a wealth of information and thought-provoking ideas, some readers might find the book overly dense at times. Dutton’s extensive use of scientific studies and research findings can occasionally make the reading experience feel academic. However, his engaging storytelling and real-world examples help to balance this, ensuring that the book remains accessible to a wider audience.

In conclusion, “Flipnosis” is a compelling exploration of the art of persuasion, written by an expert in the field. Kevin Dutton’s ability to blend scientific research, personal experiences, and captivating storytelling makes this book a thought-provoking read. Whether you are interested in understanding the psychology behind persuasion or simply want to gain insights into human behaviour, “Flipnosis” provides an insightful and engaging journey into the power of influence.

Competing Against Luck – The Story of Innovation and Customer Choice by Clayton Christensen, Taddy Hall, Karen Dillon and David S Duncan

Authors:  Clayton M. Christensen, Taddy Hall, Karen Dillon & David S. Duncan

“Competing Against Luck: The Story of Innovation and Customer Choice” by Clayton Christensen is a captivating book that explores the concept of Jobs to be Done (JTBD) theory and its implications for successful innovation and business growth. Christensen, along with his co-authors Taddy Hall, Karen Dillon, and David S. Duncan, presents a thought-provoking framework that challenges traditional approaches to understanding customer needs and offers valuable insights on how to compete effectively in today’s rapidly changing markets.

Clayton M. Christensen

Clayton M. Christensen was an American academic and business consultant who developed the theory of disruptive innovation.   He was a Harvard Business School professor and author of the book The Innovator’s Dilemma.

Taddy Hall

 Taddy Hall, a principal at the Cambridge Group specializes in guiding senior executives in product innovation and process improvement and advises on emerging markets.

Karen Dillon

 Karen Dillon, former editor of the Harvard Business Review, is a co-author of “How will you Measure Your Life”

David S. Duncan

David S. Duncan holds a PhD in physics from Harvard University.    He is a Senior Partner at Innosight and is a leading thinker and advisor to senior executives on innovation, strategy and growth.

The central idea of the book revolves around the concept of “job” as the fundamental unit of analysis for understanding customer needs. According to Christensen, customers “hire” products or services to get a specific job done in their lives. By focusing on the job that customers are trying to accomplish, rather than simply analysing demographics or preferences, companies can gain a deeper understanding of what truly drives customer choices.

Through a series of real-world case studies and examples, the authors illustrate how well-known companies have succeeded or failed based on their ability to accurately identify the job customers are trying to accomplish. The narrative is engaging and accessible, making it easy for readers to grasp the concepts and apply them to their own business situations.

One of the standout features of “Competing Against Luck” is the emphasis on uncovering the “Job to be Done” through a process of deep customer research. The authors argue that traditional market research methods often fail to capture the true motivations behind customer choices, leading to missed opportunities for innovation. By conducting in-depth interviews and digging deeper into the context of customers’ lives, businesses can uncover the underlying needs and desires that drive their purchasing decisions.

The book also provides practical guidance on how to translate these insights into successful innovation strategies. The authors introduce the “Jobs to be Done” framework, which helps businesses identify unmet customer needs and develop products or services that address those needs more effectively than existing solutions. They emphasize the importance of focusing on the progress customers are trying to make in their lives, rather than fixating on product features or competing with other companies.

In conclusion, “Competing Against Luck” is a thought-provoking and insightful book that offers a compelling framework for understanding customer needs and driving successful innovation. Clayton Christensen and his co-authors provide a wealth of examples and practical advice, making this book an essential read for anyone involved in product development, marketing, business strategy, business leaders and entrepreneurs.

(Re)(Organize) For Resilience Putting Customers at the Centre of Your Business

Author: Prof: Ranjay Gulati

Prof Ranjay Gulati is an Indian-American and esteemed professor of Business Administration at the Harvard Business School.  He is an expert in the fields of leadership, strategy, and organizational behaviour.  Prof Gulati has a diverse educational background, with a Bachelor’s degree in Economics from Delhi University, a master’s degree in management from MIT Sloan school of Management and a PhD from Harvard University.

Prof Gulati is also an experienced consultant and has worked with numerous companies to help them improve their performance and navigate through complex business challenges. He has served as a board member for various organizations and has received several awards for his research and teaching excellence.    The Economist Intelligence Unit has listed him among the top handful of business scholars whose work is most relevant to management practice.

(Re)(Organize) For Resilience-Putting Customers at the Centre of Your Business by Prof Gulati is an insightful and practical book that delves into the concept of organizational resilience and provides a comprehensive guide on how businesses can adapt and thrive in an ever-changing and unpredictable world.

Prof Gulati draws from extensive research and real-life examples to present a compelling case for the urgent need for organizations to develop resilience. He argues that traditional approaches to organizational design and management are no longer sufficient to address the challenges posed by rapid technological advancements, global competition, and unforeseen disruptions.   He reveals how resilient companies prosper in both good times and bad – driving growth and increasing profitability by immersing themselves in the lives of their customers.  Instead of pushing their own offerings on customers, how to work from the outside in: identifying current and potential customer problems and then providing seamless products and services that address them.

The book is divided into three parts, each focusing on a crucial element of building resilience. In Part One, Prof Gulati examines the importance of strategic agility, emphasizing the need for organizations to continuously assess their external environment, anticipate changes, and adapt their strategies accordingly. He provides valuable insights on how leaders can foster a culture of agility and drive innovation within their organizations.

Part Two explores the significance of structural flexibility. Prof Gulati highlights the need for organizations to break free from rigid hierarchies and embrace more fluid structures that enable cross-functional collaboration, knowledge sharing, and rapid decision-making. He presents various case studies that demonstrate the benefits of flexible structures and provides practical advice on implementing such changes.

The final part of the book focuses on developing resilience at an individual level. Prof Gulati argues that a resilient organization is built upon resilient individuals who possess the necessary skills and mindset to navigate uncertainty and change. He discusses the importance of nurturing a learning culture, building diverse teams, and empowering employees to take ownership of their work.

One of the key strengths of (Re)(Organize) For Resilience is his ability to combine theoretical concepts with real-world examples. The book is filled with compelling case studies from a wide range of industries, including healthcare, technology, and manufacturing. These case studies help readers connect theory with practice and gain a deeper understanding of the challenges and opportunities organizations face in today’s dynamic environment.

Moreover, Prof Gulati’s writing style is accessible and engaging, making complex ideas easily understandable for both business professionals and general readers. He presents his arguments in a logical and structured manner, providing clear takeaways and actionable steps that readers can implement in their own organizations.

In conclusion, (Re)(Organize) For Resilience- Putting Customers at the Centre of Your Business is an insightful and practical guide that offers valuable insights on building organizational resilience. Prof Ranjay Gulati’s expertise and extensive research shine through in this well-structured and thought-provoking book. Whether you are a business leader, entrepreneur, or simply interested in understanding how organizations can thrive in a rapidly changing world, this book is a must-read.

The Diary of a CEO: 33 Laws of business and life by Steven Barlett

About the Author:  Steven Bartlett

 Steven Bartlett is a well-known British-Nigerian entrepreneur, author, and public speaker. He is the founder and former CEO of Social Chain, a global social media marketing agency. Bartlett gained recognition for his innovative approach to digital marketing and his ability to connect with younger audiences. He has been featured in various media outlets and has amassed a significant following on social media platforms. He also runs The Diary of a CEO podcast.  In 2023, according to Spotify Wrapped, he was ranked in the top 10 most popular podcasts globally.

“The Diary of a CEO” by Steven Bartlett offers readers a unique and deeply personal insight into the mind of a successful entrepreneur. In this book, Bartlett shares his experiences, challenges, and invaluable lessons learned on his journey to becoming a CEO.

From the very beginning, Bartlett’s writing style is engaging and authentic. He opens up about his struggles, insecurities, and the doubts he faced while building his business empire. This vulnerability allows readers to connect with him on a personal level, making the book feel like an intimate conversation rather than a traditional business guide.

One of the standout features of “The Diary of a CEO” is Bartlett’s ability to distil complex concepts into simple, relatable language. He breaks down various aspects of leadership, decision-making, and personal growth, making them accessible to readers from all backgrounds. Whether you are an aspiring entrepreneur or simply seeking inspiration, you will find valuable nuggets of wisdom in his words.

Bartlett’s emphasis on self-awareness and the importance of maintaining mental well-being is refreshing. He shares his own struggles with anxiety and stress, emphasizing the need for self-care and balance in the pursuit of success. This aspect of the book sets it apart from other business memoirs, as it delves into the emotional journey behind the scenes of a CEO’s life.

Moreover, “The Diary of a CEO” provides practical advice and actionable steps for individuals looking to start or grow their own businesses. Bartlett’s experiences and failures serve as valuable lessons, allowing readers to learn from his mistakes and avoid potential pitfalls. He covers a broad range of topics, including marketing, branding, team building, and cultivating a positive company culture.

While the book is primarily targeted towards entrepreneurs, its lessons extend beyond the business sphere. Bartlett explores the importance of building meaningful relationships, embracing failure, and maintaining a growth mindset. These universal themes make it a compelling read for anyone seeking personal and professional development.

In conclusion, “The Diary of a CEO” is an inspiring and thought-provoking book that offers a rare glimpse into the mind of a successful entrepreneur. Steven Bartlett’s honesty, combined with his practical advice, makes this book a valuable resource for anyone looking to navigate the challenges of building a business or seeking personal growth. It is a compelling read that will leave you motivated, inspired, and ready to embark on your own journey towards success.

Why Motivating People Doesn’t Work and What Does by Susan Fowler


Susan Flowler is the founder and CEO of Mojo Moments, an international organization represented by channel partners and strategic alliances who recognize that motivation is at the heart of everything that people do – and everything they don’t do but wish they did.

She is as an expert in motivation, leadership, personal empowerment.    She has worked with clients as diverse as Apple, Bayer, Bloomberg, Google, Harley-Davidson, Merril Lynch, Pfizer AkzoNobel, Inspire Software, Moody’s, National Basketball Association, TJ Maxx and Wavertronix.   She is also the lead developer with Ken Blanchard.


In her thought-provoking book, “Why Motivating People Doesn’t Work and What Does,” Susan Fowler challenges the conventional wisdom surrounding motivation and presents a refreshing perspective on how to inspire individuals in both personal and professional settings. With a captivating blend of real-life anecdotes, scientific research, and practical strategies, Fowler presents a compelling case against traditional motivation methods while offering a promising alternative.

Fowler begins by debunking the widely accepted belief that motivation is something we do to others, emphasizing that motivation is an intrinsic force that individuals must cultivate within themselves. She argues that traditional carrot-and-stick approaches, including rewards and punishments, fail to tap into the deeper motivations that drive people. Instead, Fowler introduces the concept of optimal motivation, which focuses on three psychological needs: autonomy, relatedness, and competence.

One of the book’s strengths is Fowler’s ability to connect theory with real-world examples, making the concepts accessible and relatable. She shares personal stories, as well as case studies from various industries, to illustrate the detrimental effects of extrinsic motivation and the power of intrinsic drive. These anecdotes effectively highlight the limitations of outdated motivation techniques and invite readers to question their own approaches.

Fowler’s writing style is engaging and conversational, making the book an enjoyable and informative read. She seamlessly weaves scientific research into her arguments, providing credibility to her claims without overwhelming the reader with technical jargon. Furthermore, the book is well-structured, with clear sections and summaries that aid in understanding and retention.

The author’s alternative approach to motivation is the highlight of the book. By focusing on autonomy, relatedness, and competence, Fowler advocates for creating environments that nurture intrinsic motivation. She provides practical strategies and tools that leaders, managers, and individuals can implement to foster these essential psychological needs. Whether it’s encouraging autonomy through empowering decision-making or fostering relatedness through meaningful connections, Fowler offers actionable advice that can transform the way we motivate ourselves and others.

 In conclusion, “Why Motivating People Doesn’t Work and What Does” is a compelling and eye-opening read that challenges conventional wisdom on motivation. Susan Fowler’s research-backed insights and practical strategies provide an alternative approach that empowers individuals to tap into their intrinsic motivation. By focusing on autonomy, relatedness, and competence, Fowler offers a pathway to create environments that inspire individuals to reach their full potential. This book is a valuable resource for leaders, managers, and anyone seeking to understand the true nature of motivation and its transformative power.

Winning through innovation

WINNING THROUGH INNOVATION – A Practical Guide to Leading Organizational Change and Renewal  

Authors: Michael L. Tushman and Charles A. O’Reilly III

“Winning through Innovation” by Michael L. Tushman and Charles A. O’Reilly III is an insightful and thought-provoking book that provides a comprehensive guide to organizations seeking to navigate the ever-changing landscape of business and achieve long-term success through innovation.

Michael L. Tushman:   Prof Tushman is an American organizational theorist, management adviser and Professor of Harvard Business School.   He is also co-founder and director of Change-Logic, a consulting firm in Boston, US.   

Charles A.O’ Reilly III:   Prof of Management at the Stanford Graduate School of Business.

The authors of the book, both distinguished professors, bring their extensive knowledge and experience to the table, offering a blend of academic research, real-world case studies, and practical advice. The book is divided into three parts, each focusing on a different aspect of innovation and its implementation.

In the first part, Tushman and O’Reilly identify the critical role of innovation in sustaining long-term success, especially in the face of disruptive technologies and shifting market dynamics. They emphasize the need for organizations to create a culture that fosters innovation, both at the individual and organizational levels. The authors argue that innovation should not be confined to a select few; rather, it should be encouraged and embraced by all employees, from top management to frontline workers.

The second part of the book delves into the challenges organizations face when trying to innovate. Tushman and O’Reilly discuss the concept of ambidexterity, which involves the ability to simultaneously exploit existing capabilities while exploring new opportunities. They explore various strategies for achieving ambidexterity, such as creating separate units dedicated to exploration or using internal competitions to foster innovative ideas. The authors also highlight the importance of leadership in driving and facilitating innovation within an organization.

The final part of the book focuses on the implementation of innovation initiatives. Tushman and O’Reilly provide a framework for managing the innovation process, including the identification of potential opportunities, the allocation of resources, and the evaluation of outcomes. They stress the significance of experimentation, learning from failures, and adapting strategies based on feedback. The authors also discuss the challenges of scaling up successful innovations and embedding them into the fabric of an organization.

One of the book’s strengths lies in its ability to bridge the gap between academic theory and practical application. Tushman and O’Reilly skilfully blend rigorous research with real-world examples, making the concepts accessible and relatable. The inclusion of case studies from a variety of industries, including technology, healthcare, and manufacturing, further enhances the book’s relevance and applicability.

Additionally, the authors’ writing style is engaging and accessible, making the book suitable for both business professionals and students. The concepts are presented in a logical and organized manner, with each chapter building upon the previous ones, creating a coherent and comprehensive narrative.

The book focuses on large organizations and well-established companies; however, the principles of innovation are universally applicable.

In conclusion, “Winning through Innovation” is a must-read for leaders and managers seeking to build a culture of innovation within their organizations. Tushman and O’Reilly provide a wealth of knowledge and practical advice, backed by extensive research and real-world examples. By embracing the principles outlined in this book, businesses can position themselves to thrive in an ever-evolving and competitive marketplace.

Discover Your True North by Bill George

Bill George is an American businessman, renowned author, leadership expert, and academic. He served as Chairman & CEO of Medtronic, one of the world’s leading medical technology companies, from 1991 to 2001.  He also served on the boards of Target Corporation, Novartis, ExxonMobil, Mayo Clinic and Goldman Sachs.

He is currently a Senior Fellow at Harvard Business School.

George is widely recognized for his expertise in authentic leadership, which emphasizes the importance of self-awareness, values alignment, and genuine relationships. He has authored several influential books, including “Authentic Leadership: Rediscovering the Secrets to Creating Lasting Value” and “True North: Discover Your Authentic Leadership.”

In “Discover Your True North,” Bill George offers a profound and insightful guide to authentic leadership, helping readers navigate their own personal compass towards becoming effective and impactful leaders. Drawing from his vast experience as a former CEO and professor of leadership, George presents a compelling framework for self-discovery and personal growth.

The book centres around the concept of “True North,” a term that George defines as a person’s most deeply held beliefs, values, and principles. He argues that by aligning our leadership style with our True North, we can lead with authenticity, integrity, and purpose.  It is about finding one’s unique purpose and living a life true to oneself, rather than conforming to external pressures or expectations.  Through engaging storytelling and relatable examples, George effectively illustrates the transformative power of finding one’s True North.

One of the book’s strongest aspects is the emphasis on self-reflection and introspection. George encourages readers to examine their life stories, values, passions, and motivations in order to understand their True North. He provides practical exercises and thought-provoking questions that challenge readers to dig deep into their own experiences and uncover their authentic selves. This introspective approach sets “Discover Your True North” apart from other leadership books by focusing on the individual’s unique journey rather than offering generic leadership strategies.

George’s writing style is accessible and engaging, making the book suitable for both experienced leaders and those aspiring to leadership roles. He shares his own personal experiences, as well as the stories of numerous leaders from various industries, adding credibility and relevance to his insights. The anecdotes and case studies provide valuable context and inspire readers to reflect on their own leadership challenges.

Moreover, the book explores the importance of emotional intelligence and empathy in effective leadership. George emphasizes the significance of connecting with others on a deeper level, building trust, and fostering collaboration. He convincingly argues that leaders who prioritize the well-being and development of their team members ultimately achieve greater success.

Overall, “Discover Your True North” is an inspiring and thought-provoking read that challenges conventional notions of leadership. Bill George’s emphasis on authenticity, integrity, and purpose is a refreshing approach to leadership development. By guiding readers on a journey of self-discovery, he empowers them to become more effective and authentic leaders in their personal and professional lives.