Women empowerment in organizations: 21 things to consider

Women empowerment has become a crucial aspect of organizational success. As more and more women enter the workforce, it is important for organizations to create an environment that fosters their growth and development.

McKinsey’s study Women in the workplace 2023 busts four myths about the state of women in the work

Myth: Women are becoming less ambitious

Reality: Women are more ambitious than before the pandemic and flexibility is fuelling that ambition.

Myth: The biggest barrier to women’s advancement is the `glass ceiling’

Reality: The `broken rung’ is the greatest obstacle women face on the path to senior leadership

Myth: Microaggressions have a `micro’ impact

Reality: Microaggressions have a large and lasting impact on women

Myth: It is mostly women who want – and benefit from – flexible work

Reality: Men and women see flexibility as a `top 3’ employee benefit and critical to their company success

 (Courtesy: McKinsey & Company’s Women in the workplace 2023


Let us look at 21 things that organizations should consider when it comes to women empowerment.

1. Equal pay: Organizations should ensure that women are paid equally for the same work as their male counterparts.

2. Equal opportunities: Women should have the same opportunities for career advancement as men.

3. Flexible work arrangements: Organizations should offer flexible work arrangements to help women balance their work and personal lives.

4. Mentorship programs: Organizations should provide mentorship programs to help women develop their skills and advance in their careers.

5. Leadership development programs: Organizations should offer leadership development programs to help women develop the skills they need to succeed in leadership roles.

6. Diversity and inclusion training: Organizations should provide diversity and inclusion training to help create an inclusive and welcoming environment for women.

7. Employee resource groups: Organizations should create employee resource groups for women to provide support and networking opportunities.

8.Equal representation: Organizations should strive for equal representation of women in leadership positions.

9. Family-friendly policies: Organizations should offer family-friendly policies such as paid parental leave and childcare support.

10. Recognition and rewards: Organizations should recognize and reward the contributions of women in the workplace.

11. Gender bias training: Organizations should provide training to help employees recognize and address gender bias in the workplace.

12. Advocacy for women’s rights: Organizations should advocate for women’s rights both within the workplace and in the broader community.

13. Support for women-owned businesses:
Organizations should support women-owned businesses through procurement and other initiatives.

14. Work-life balance: Organizations should promote work-life balance to help women thrive in their careers and personal lives.

15. Safe and inclusive work environment: Organizations should create a safe and inclusive work environment for women.

16. Career development opportunities:
Organizations should provide career development opportunities for women to help them advance in their careers.

17. Support for women in STEM fields: Organizations should support and encourage women to pursue careers in STEM fields.

18. Mentorship for women entrepreneurs: Organizations should provide mentorship and support for women entrepreneurs.

19. Networking opportunities: Organizations should provide networking opportunities for women to connect with other professionals in their field.

20. Advocacy for gender equality: Organizations should advocate for gender equality in the workplace and beyond.

21. Support for women’s education: Organizations should support women’s education and provide opportunities for women to further their skills and knowledge.


Women empowerment is essential for the success of organizations. By considering some of these 21 things, organizations can create an environment that empowers women to thrive and succeed in their careers. It is important for organizations to prioritize women empowerment and work towards creating a more inclusive and supportive workplace for all employees.